Section 1: General Information
Using this website or registering for services from Cosmic Light Center means that you automatically agree to abide by these Terms & Conditions.
Section 2: Prices
All accurate prices can be found on the website of Cosmic Light Center. All prices are including 21% VAT.
Section 3: Treatment and Payment
3.1 Payments are to be made directly after the session. You can pay by cash or bank account. It’s not possible to pay by PIN. You can pay electronically by using Tikkie or I can send an invoice which has to be paid within 14 days.
3.2 An appointment can be canceled without costs within 24 hours. The cancelation must be made by phone, e-mail, text message or by using Whatsapp. Always make a clear mention of your name, date and time of the appointment.
3.3 If a client should miss or cancel an appointment without giving at least 24 hours’ notice, a cancellation fee of 75% of the total fee will be payable by the client.
3.4 Cosmic Light Center has the right to cancel an appointment at any time within good reasons.
Section 4: Liability
By using this website, you automatically agree to hold Cosmic Light Center harmless for any damage and agree that Cosmic Light Center will not be liable for compensation should any damage or injury result from using our services. Also Cosmic Light Center will not be hold responsible by incorrect information of the client’s physical condition, use of medication, work condition or leisure activities. Cosmic Light Center is not liable for any damages, expenses or losses of personal belongings at the practice.
Section 5: Damage and Theft
Cosmic Light Center owes the right to claim a compensation when the client damages or steels furniture, equipment or products.
Section 6: Health
Reiki will give a moment of relaxation, reduces stress and aids recovery. Please notice a Reiki treatment is not to be construed as a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis or treatment. Only a licensed medical professional is deemed qualified to make any diagnosis or give treatment recommendations.
Section 7: Personal Data & Privacy
The data (phone number/e-mail address) you provide Cosmic Light Center will be saved with care and will never be shared without your permission.
Section 8: Newsletter
By booking a Reiki session the client agrees on the use of its e-mail address for the Cosmic Light Center newsletter. Every newsletter contains a link to unsubscribe.
Section 9: Questions & Complains
9.1 Questions can be submitted by sending an e-mail or by use of the contact form. You can expect an answer within 7 work days.
9.2 Complains about Cosmic Light Center or a session must be submitted within two months. Please clearly describe your complain and don’t forget to mention your name and the date of the session you’re referring to. Complains can be submitted by e-mail or using the contact form.
Section 10: Changing Conditions
Cosmic Light Center reserves the right to make any changes to its website, policies and Terms & Conditions at any time without prior notice. Changes do not apply on concluded agreements.
Copyright © Cosmic Light Center. All rights reserved.
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